Noise Mitigation Package Financial Assistance
What we Fund
Under the Auckland Unitary Plan, the airport is required to offer a noise mitigation package to property owners in the High Aircraft Noise Area (HANA) and the Moderate Aircraft Noise Area (MANA), whose properties fall within the Annual Aircraft Noise Contours (AANC).
The subsidy offered by the airport depends on the location of the house within the AANC. New homes built after 10 December 2001 do not qualify for a subsidy.
The subsidies and criteria for an offer are:
- 100% subsidy – for properties in the HANA with the airport paying the full cost of installing the noise mitigation package
- 75% subsidy – for properties in the MANA with the airport paying 75% of the cost of installing the noise mitigation package.
Home owners within the MANA can apply for financial assistance from the AACT to help cover the 25% contribution they need to have a noise mitigation package installed.
The criteria for applying for assistance is:
- the home owner has received a formal offer from Auckland Airport and;
- the property owner or tenant hold a Community Services Card or
- the property owner or tenant hold a High User Health Card or
- the property owner doesn’t hold a Community Services Card or High User Health Card but requires financial assistance and has a supporting letter from either Work and Income, an approved Social Service provider or Budget Advisory Service.
To find what the noise mitigation package includes please click the button below.
Area of Benefit Map
If you are living within the areas of this map red or yellow then you are eligible for funding. It is ONLY properties in the HANA (red) and MANA (yellow) that are within the annual noise contour and will qualify.